Field seminar "Flexibility and Computational Methods II"
The field seminar "Flexibility and Computational Methods II” is organized by the Laboratory of Algebraic Transformation Groups of the FCS HSE within the framework of the ''International Academic Cooperation of HSE University'' and is aimed at implementing a joint project with the Institute of Mathematics in Hanoi, Vietnam. The seminar was held at the Kochubey Center in the city of Pushkin and in an online format from December 20 to 24, 2024.
Vietnamese and Russian experts gave lectures at the seminar.

List of abstracts and Lecture notes
Calabi-Yau threefolds in P^7 and extensions of curves of genus 5 (Hoang Le Truong)
Flexibility and surjective morphisms from affine spaces (Ivan Arzhantsev)
Flexibility of affine cones over complete intersections of three quadrics (Nguyen Thi Anh Hang)
Flexibility of affine cones over del Pezzo surfaces (Alexander Perepechko)
Intersection numbers on Grassmannians via localization in equivariant cohomology (Dang Tuan Hiep)
Varieties of minimal rational tangents and Lie algebras associated with embedded projective varieties (Dmitry Timashev)
Additive actions on projective spaces and other varieties (Yulia Zaitseva)
Additive Actions on Projective Spaces with Small Modality (Hoang Ngoc Yen)
Root subgroups on spherical varieties (Roman Avdeev)
On the cocharacter closedness and cocharacter closure of rational orbits for algebraic group actions over valued fields (Dao Phuong Bac)
Flexibility of horospherical varieties (Sergey Gaifullin)
On Gorenstein graphs (Tran Nam Trung)
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