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Tag "summer schools"

HSE First-Year Students Develop a Telegram Bot to Help the Homeless

HSE First-Year Students Develop a Telegram Bot to Help the Homeless
This summer, university students from all over Russia took part in the Digital Transformation of the Charity Sector Summer School in Moscow. Students from HSE University and other universities presented digital solutions to make non-profit organizations more efficient and even save lives.

Third Machine Learning Summer School Held in UK

Third Machine Learning Summer School Held in UK
On July 17-23 the Third Machine Learning summer school organized by Yandex School of Data Analysis, Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis at the National Research University Higher School of Economics and Imperial College London was held in Reading, UK. 60 students, doctoral students and researchers from 18 countries and 47 universities took part in the event.

HSE and Yandex Hold Second Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

On June 20-27, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science teamed up with the Yandex School of Data Analysis to carry out the Second International Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics. This year’s Summer School took place in Lund, Sweden, and saw the participation of 60 students and researchers from Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia, the U.S., Sweden, Switzerland, and more. Of these students, five came from the Higher School of Economics.

HSE, Yandex and CERN Researchers Work Together on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

On August 30, 2015, the Summer School on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics wrapped up this year’s session. The school, which was held at the St. Petersburg Academic University, was organized by HSE in cooperation with the Yandex School of Data Analysis (SDA) and the Yandex Data Factory (YDF). This school is continuing cooperation between Yandex and CERN, which involves YDF and SDA researchers working together with experimental physicists on solving current problems in the field of physics. Many tasks require using machine learning approaches, which allow for greater accuracy and efficiency in these studies.
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