Selected Publications of the Faculty
Identifying Argumentative Questions in Web Search Logs
Ajjour Y., Braslavski P. et al.
International ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2022), 2393 – 2399
HyperDomainNet: Universal Domain Adaptation for Generative Adversarial Networks
Alanov A., Titov V., Vetrov D.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Optimal Gradient Sliding and its Application to Optimal Distributed Optimization Under Similarity
Beznosikov A., Dvurechensky P., Gasnikov A. et al.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Decentralized Local Stochastic Extra-Gradient for Variational Inequalities
Beznosikov A., Borodich E., Gasnikov A. et al.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Distributed Methods with Compressed Communication for Solving Variational Inequalities, with Theoretical Guarantees
Beznosikov A., Richtárik P., Diskin M., Ryabinin M., Gasnikov A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Optimal Algorithms for Decentralized Stochastic Variational Inequalities
Beznosikov A., Gasnikov A. et al.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Non-associative, non-commutative multi-modal linear logic
Blaisdell E., Kanovich M., Kuznetsov S. et al.
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2022), 449 – 467
Towards understanding and answering comparative questions
Bondarenko A., Braslavski P. et al.
ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2022), 66 – 74
Batch-Softmax Contrastive Loss for Pairwise Sentence Scoring Tasks
Chernyavskiy A., Ilvovsky D., Kalinin P., Nakov P.
Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2022), 116 – 126
Improving text generation via neural discourse planning
Chernyavskiy A.
ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM 2022), 1543 – 1544
Clipped Stochastic Methods for Variational Inequalities with Heavy-Tailed Noise
Dvurechensky P., Gasnikov A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
SketchBoost: Fast Gradient Boosted Decision Tree for Multioutput Problems
Iosipoi L., Vakhrushev A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
A Damped Newton Method Achieves Global O (1/k2) and Local Quadratic Convergence Rate
Gasnikov A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
The power of first-order smooth optimization for black-box non-smooth problems
Gasnikov A., Beznosikov A. et al.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022)
Secure Distributed Training at Scale
Gorbunov E., Borzunov A., Diskin M., Ryabinin M.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), 7679 – 7739
On Embeddings for Numerical Features in Tabular Deep Learning
Gorishniy Y., Rubachev I., Babenko A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Training Scale-Invariant Neural Networks on the Sphere Can Happen in Three Regimes
Kodryan M., Lobacheva E., Nakhodnov M., Vetrov D.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Accelerated Primal-Dual Gradient Method for Smooth and Convex-Concave Saddle-Point Problems with Bilinear Coupling
Kovalev D., Gasnikov A., Richtárik P.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
The First Optimal Acceleration of High-Order Methods in Smooth Convex Optimization
Kovalev D., Gasnikov A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
The First Optimal Algorithm for Smooth and Strongly-Convex-Strongly-Concave Minimax Optimization
Kovalev D., Gasnikov A.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Nonparametric Uncertainty Quantification for Single Deterministic Neural Network
Noskov F.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Single-Stage 3D Geometry-Preserving Depth Estimation Model Training on Dataset Mixtures With Uncalibrated Stereo Data
Patakin N., Vorontsova A., Artemyev M., Konushin A.
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022), 1695 – 1704
Local-Global MCMC kernels: the best of both worlds
Samsonov S., Lagutin E., Naumov A., Moulines E. et al.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
BR-SNIS: Bias Reduced Self-Normalized Importance Sampling
Samsonov S., Moulines E. et al.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
Towards Practical Control of Singular Values of Convolutional Layers
Senderovich A., Bulatova E., Obukhov A., Rakhuba M.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
TAPE: Assessing Few-shot Russian Language Understanding
Taktasheva E., Tikhonova M. et al.
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2022)
Towards Computationally Feasible Deep Active Learning
Tsvigun A., Zhukov L. et al.
Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2022), 1198 – 1218
Optimistic Posterior Sampling for Reinforcement Learning with Few Samples and Tight Guarantees
Tiapkin D., Belomestny D., Moulines É., Naumov A. et al.
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)
From Dirichlet to Rubin: Optimistic Exploration in RL without Bonuses
Tiapkin D., Belomestny D., Moulines E., Naumov A., Samsonov S. et al.
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022)
Measurement of the W boson mass
Aaij R., Derkach D., Maevskiy A., Karpov M., Ratnikov F., Ryzhikov A., Boldyrev A., Gushchin M., Ustyuzhanin A. et al. (The LHCb collaboration)
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022:36
*and 20 other publications prepared within the framework of CERN collaborations
Graphs with no induced house nor induced hole have the de Bruijn–Erdös property
Aboulker P., Beaudou L. et al. Journal of Graph Theory 47, 777 – 780
Rumour identification on Twitter as a function of novel textual and language-context features
Ali G., Malik M.
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82, 7017 – 7038
Cross-domain limitations of neural models on biomedical relation classification
Alimova I., Tutubalina E., Nikolenko S.
IEEE Access 10, 1432–1439
Black-Box for Blockchain Parameters Adjustment
Amelin V., Gatiyatullin E., Yanovich Y.
IEEE Access 10, 101795 – 101802
Multi-agent pathfinding with continuous time
Andreychuk A., Yakovlev K. et al.
Artificial Intelligence 305:103662
Efficient numerical methods to solve sparse linear equations with application to PageRank
Anikin A., Gasnikov A. et al.
Optimization Methods and Software 37, 907 – 935
Root subgroups on affine spherical varieties
Arzhantsev I., Avdeev R.
Selecta Mathematica 28:60
Some finiteness results on triangular automorphisms
Arzhantsev I., Shakhmatov K.
Results in Mathematics 77:75
Tits-type Alternative for Groups Acting on Toric Affine Varieties
Arzhantsev I., Zaidenberg M.
International Mathematics Research Notices 2022, 8162 – 8195
Empirical variance minimization with applications in variance reduction and optimal control
Belomestny D., Iosipoi L., Paris Q., Zhivotovskiy N.
Bernoulli 28, 1382 – 1407
Variance reduction for additive functionals of Markov chains via martingale representations
Belomestny D., Moulines E., Samsonov S.
Statistics and Computing 32:16
Data-driven approach for the delineation of the irritative zone in epilepsy in MEG
Chirkov V., Ossadtchi А. et al.
Plos one 17:e0275063
Resonance scattering in a waveguide with identical thick perforated barriers
Delitsyn A., Grebenkov D.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 412:126592
Oracle Complexity Separation in Convex Optimization
Dmitriev A., Kornilov V. et al.
Frontiers in Physics 10:839383
Human knowledge models: Learning applied knowledge from the data
Dudyrev E., Semenkov I., Kuznetsov S., Pianykh O. et al.
Plos one 17:e0275814
A differentiable language model adversarial attack on text classifiers
Fursov I., Dmitrieva E., Artemova E. et al.
IEEE Access 10, 17966 – 17976
A tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom
Gerasimova O., Podolskii V. et al.
Artificial Intelligence 309:103738
The multistochastic Monge–Kantorovich problem
Gladkov N., Kolesnikov A., Zimin A.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 506:125666
Deep Learning for direct Dark Matter search with nuclear emulsions
Golovatiuk A., Ustyuzhanin A. et al.
Computer Physics Communications 275:108312
Pairs of maps preserving singularity on subsets of matrix algebras
Guterman A., Maksaev A., Promyslov V.
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 644, 1 – 27
Z-RNA and the Flipside of the SARS Nsp13 Helicase: Is There a Role for Flipons in Coronavirus-Induced Pathology?
Herbert A., Poptsova M.
Frontiers in Immunology 13:912717
Extremal Cubics on the Circle and the 2-sphere
Hildebrand R., Ivanova A.
Results in Mathematics 77, 1 – 37
Nucleus segmentation: Towards automated solutions
Hollandi R., Moshkov N. et al.
Trends in Cell Biology 2, 295 – 310
Early warning signals for critical transitions in sandpile cellular automata
Ivanova A., Gasnikov A., Tyurin A. et al.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 193, 462 – 490
Quantized Tensor FEM for Multiscale Problems: Diffusion Problems in Two and Three Dimensions
Kazeev V., Oseledets I., Rakhuba M., Schwab C.
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 20, 893 – 935
Sampling discretization and related problems
Kashin B., Kosov E. et al.
Journal of Complexity 71:101653
Fast parametric curve matching (FPCM) for automatic spike detection
Kleeva D., Ossadtchi A. et al.
Journal of Neural Engineering 19:036003
On the Local Version of the Log-Brunn–Minkowski Conjecture and Some New Related Geometric Inequalities
Kolesnikov A., Livshyts G.
International Mathematics Research Notices 2022, 14427 – 14453
Blaschke–Santaló inequality for many functions and geodesic barycenters of measures
Kolesnikov A., Werner E.
Advances in Mathematics 396:108110
Growth Rates of Coxeter Groups and Perron Numbers
Kolpakov A., Talambutsa A.
International Mathematics Research Notices 19, 14675 – 14696
On free semigroups of affine maps on the real line
Kolpakov A., Talambutsa A.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150, 2301 – 2307
Regularity of linear and polynomial images of Skorohod differentiable measures
Kosov E.
Advances in Mathematics 397:108193
Emergence of extreme events in coupled systems with time-dependent interactions
Kumarasamy S., Srinivasan S. et al
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 107:106170
Fast convergence of empirical barycenters in Alexandrov spaces and the Wasserstein space
Le Gouic T., Paris Q. et al.
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
Resource Bisimilarity in Petri Nets is Decidable
Lomazova I., Bashkin V., Jančar P. .
Fundamenta Informaticae 186, 175 – 194
Self-supervised recurrent depth estimation with attention mechanisms
Makarov I., Gerasimova O. et al.
PeerJ Computer Science 8:e865
Temporal network embedding framework with causal anonymous walks representations
Makarov I., Savchenko A., Kiselev D., Mikheev A.
PeerJ Computer Science 8:e858
Introducing the closure structure and the GDPM algorithm for mining and understanding a tabular dataset
Makhalova T., Buzmakov A., Kuznetsov S., Napoli A.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 145, 75 – 90
Low-rank tensor approximation of singularly perturbed boundary value problems in one dimension
Marcati C., Rakhuba M., Schwab C. .
Advances in Computational Mathematics 48:18
Tensor rank bounds for point singularities in R3
Marcati C., Rakhuba M., Ulander J .
Calcolo 59:2
Community Detection in Feature-Rich Networks Using Data Recovery Approach
Mirkin B., Shalileh S.
Journal of Classification 2, 1 – 31
Rising stars prediction in reviewer network
Nawaz A., Malik M.
Electronic Commerce Research 22, 53 – 75
Automatic differentiation for riemannian optimization on low-rank matrix and tensor-train manifolds
Novikov A., Rakhuba M., Oseledets I.
SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing 44, 843 – 869
Local convergence of alternating low-rank optimization methods with overrelaxation
Oseledets I., Rakhuba M., Uschmajew A.
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, e2459
Speech decoding from a small set of spatially segregated minimally invasive intracranial EEG electrodes with a compact and interpretable neural network
Petrosyan A., Ossadtchi A. et al.
Journal of Neural Engineering 19:066016
Structure-adaptive manifold estimation
Puchkin N., Spokoiny V.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 23:40
Exponential Savings in Agnostic Active Learning through Abstention
Puchkin N., Zhivotovskiy N.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 3806 – 3832
Identification of key genes of the ccRCC subtype with poor prognosis
Puzanov G.
Scientific Reports 12:14588
Lie brackets of nonsmooth vector fields and commutation of their flows
Rigoni C., Stepanov E., Trevisan D.
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 106, 1232 – 1256
SimDB in Action: Road Traffic Simulations Completely Inside Array DBMS
Rodriges Zalipynis R.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15, 3742 – 3745
WebArrayDB: A Geospatial Array DBMS in Your Web Browser
Rodriges Zalipynis R., Terlych N.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15, 3622 – 3625
Number of A+B≠C solutions in abelian groups and application to counting independent sets in hypergraphs
Semchankau A., Shabanov D., Shkredov I.
European Journal of Combinatorics 100:103453
Electron microscopy analysis of ATP-independent nucleosome unfolding by FACT
Sivkina A., Shaytan A. et al.
Communications Biology 5:2
Optimal Bayesian experimental design for subsurface flow problems
Tarakanov A., Elsheikh A.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 370:113208
Stochastic saddle-point optimization for the Wasserstein barycenter problem
Tiapkin D., Gasnikov A., Dvurechensky P.
Optimization Letters 16, 2145 – 2175
Crossover scaling functions in the asymmetric avalanche process
Trofimova A., Povolotsky A.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55:025202
Homing sequence derivation with quantified Boolean satisfiability
Tu K.-H., Yevtushenko N. et al.
IEEE Transactions on Computers 71, 696 – 711
New results on T–S fuzzy sampled-data stabilization for switched chaotic systems with its applications
Vadivel R., Srinivasan S. et al.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 164:112741
ADAR1 masks the cancer immunotherapeutic promise of ZBP1-driven necroptosis
Zhang T., Beknazarov N., Poptsova M. et al.
Nature 606, 594–602