Summer School on Mobile Application Development
This year, 42 students from 13 Russian universities took part in the event. The students were given a choice of which mobile platform they wanted to explore – iOS or Android.
Specifically for HSE students the Bluemix category was created in collaboration with IBM. Participants studied the cloud platform of the next generation which represents the realization of IBM's Open Cloud Architecture concept based on the Cloud Foundry project.
For five days the participants attended lectures and workshops and then created their own mobile applications at Hackaton. Projects topics included music recording, online dating, finding travel companions, photo editing in Vkontakte, helping kindergarten teachers and many others. This year the school was held with the support of Empatika, Mera and IBM.
Project Read&Listen
Winner of the Bluemix category
Team: Sergey Afanasiev, Albina Gimaletdinova, Anna Nesterkina, Nessa Rakhman
The application helps readers to switch from an audiobook to the particular line in a textbook. The application enables people to read e-books using a built-in audioplayer and is connected to the IBM cloud service. The system recognizes each word and where it occurs in an audiobook. Thus the programme can switch from text to sound and vice versa automatically, using this transcript.
English Book Reader Helper
Winner of the iOS category
Team: Anatoly Burtsev, Aklexander Shavrovsky
This application makes the process of reading books in English much more comfortable.
The user uploads the book, indicates their level of English proficiency, activates the LinguaLeo dictionary (if required), and the application generates a list of unknown words from the book for the user. The app also supports the export of this list to LinguaLeo. After studying the list of new words, the user is ready to read the book without any problems.
Project Hit&Run
Winner of the Android category
Team: Anton Konovalov, Kirill Makarov, Rostislav Smirnov
This is an RPG game that uses Android Wear. The game uses a gyroscope and a timer in order to count steps which are later converted into virtual currency. In battle mode your character takes part in fights and punches an opponent. Virtual currency is used to improve the character’s skills.
Project Smart Fridge
Project of the joint team of Bluemix and Android category.
Team: Mikhail Borisov, Artur Grigoriev, Dmitry Semenov, Ilya Trofimov
This app allows users to make a list of products in their fridge, and the expiry date, and will then notify them when the product is due to expire. The application has a voice input using IBM’s Bluemix. When the product's expiry date is approaching, and the user walks past the shop where they can buy this product, the application notifies the user via iBeacon technology.