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Tag "startups"

‘Making Useful Acquaintances Quickly and Easily’

‘Making Useful Acquaintances Quickly and Easily’
From the very beginning of their university years, HSE students start to develop their own start-up ideas. As a result, three graduates of the bachelor’s programme in Software Engineering of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science—Andrey Losyukov, Timofey Valov, and Alexander Kulakov—created the HiBye platform for networking at events. The students presented their project and discussed their start-up with the HSE News Service.

HSE Student Develops Platform for Online Physical Training

HSE Student Develops Platform for Online Physical Training
A student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and a team of like-minded people have created Fora.Vision, a startup platform for conducting remote physical training lessons in schools and universities. The computer vision-based system automatically counts the number of completed exercises and displays students’ progress in the teacher's personal account.

Four Student Projects with Potential to Become High Tech Start-Ups

Four Student Projects with Potential to Become High Tech Start-Ups
The Armensky Annual Inter-University Research and Technology Conference has concluded at MIEM HSE. Out of 200 submitted papers, 32 works by high school, undergraduate and graduate students participated in the event. The HSE News Service has prepared an overview of four HSE student-led projects that were awarded first-class diplomas.