On December 8, 2024, HSE’s Pokrovka campus hosted the first HSE CS x BRICS Ideathon, organised by the Hackathon Club of the Faculty of Computer Science and the HSE Multilateral Strategic Projects Office. The event was supported by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, which endorsed the initiative as part of HSE's activities in the BRICS Network University.
Tag "achievements"
In early December, the finals of the Yandex Cup international programming competition took place in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The prize, which totalled a record 16 million roubles, was shared among the winners from Russia, Belarus, Japan, the USA, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. Dmitry Rempel, student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, won in the Backend track.
On December 13–15, 2024, the final round of theNorthern Eurasia Contests (the semi-final of theInternational Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)) took place. Six teams from the HSEFaculty of Computer Science (FCS) participated, and each of them won an award. The overall winner was the FCS team Surstrumien Bobra.
The grand finale of Sber's international hackathon for Web3 developers, DeFi Hack 2024, concluded with five finalist teams. A total of 145 teams from 31 regions of Russia, as well as Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Serbia, participated in the competition.
On December 5, the award ceremony of the RUSSOFT ranking of top universities took place. The ranking assesses the quality and scale of specialist training in the field of software development among Russian educational institutions. HSE University took fourth place in the 2024 rankings and was named a ‘federal leader.’