Pizza Pitch: can you present about your project?
When you tear apart from happiness - this is pizza after the pitching, which was waiting for the end of the event in the corridor

Pizza Pitch x Faculty of Computer Science: a place to talk about your project
At the last Pizza pitch, students presented their projects related to the development of various services. The event was organized so that students could showcase their IT projects and get feedback from experts.
"How to attract clients quickly and cheaply to a freelancer or small business?": Mikhail Ivchenko's master class
How to sort everything out? - the question is not simple, but Mikhail did it. And how, see in our news
"Innovation Promotion Fund: how to attract funding for your startup": master class by Irina Plisetskaya
IPF competitions are built to support the initiatives of students, start-ups and even enterprises. Irina Plisetskaya, expert of the Foundation, told how the competitions differ and how to take part in the master class of the Entrepreneurs Club FCS

"Интеллектуальная собственность в стартапах: вопросы и ответы": мастер-класс Кирилла Обедина
Как уберечь себя от офер при разработке собственного продукта, как передать результаты интеллектальной деятельности и как следить за патентами по всему. Об этом и другом мы поговорили на мастер-классе Кирилла Обедина, патентного поверенного
Pizza Pitch x Faculty of Computer Science or how to have a delicious Thursday evening
Pita with chicken is a taco, pitching is a presentation of a project in order to find investors, and Pizza Pitch is pitching with pizza. An article about how the Pizza Pitch of the HSE Business Incubator went together with the Entrepreneurs Club FCS

"Product strategy: instructions for use": master class by Timofey Bakurov
We eat some product, we use some product, and the product manager develops it. We talked about the next stage of the product this Sunday.

"How to jump into two cars at once?" Is it possible to combine a startup and a full-time job in a company?": master class by Andrey Koksharov
Today, more and more young professionals are thinking about creating their own startup, and at the same time they want to gain work experience in companies. What to do? How to jump into two cars, so much so as to save yourself? This is what we talked about at the master class with Andrey Koksharov, the head of the direction and methodologist of the Sber youth accelerators.

“How to protect the idea of a startup if the ideas are not protected”: master class by Kirill Obedin
On October 7, a master class on intellectual property protection was held from the managing partner of the patent law bureau "Obedin and Partners"