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On Campus

HSE Students Won AccorHotels Hackathon

Students of HSE Faculty of Computer Science won the first Russian Hackathon by AccorHotels and got the opportunity to finalize their project together with experts from the international accelerator NUMA Moscow and then present it to the company’s higher management in Paris.

New Tenured Professors at HSE

On April 29, 2016 at the Academic Council meeting 25 HSE Professors were conferred the status of Tenured Professor.

Students Analysed Behaviour of Internet Bank Clients

SAS in cooperation with HSE has organized and hosted Russia's first hackathon for advanced analytics SAS – an IT marathon that lets students and young specialists try their hand in solving topical analytical cases in the banking sphere.

'I’m impressed by the mathematical history and general level of mathematical skills here in Moscow'

Bruno Bauwens, an expert in Kolmogorov complexity, is a new recruit at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. He started in September 2015. Bruno received his PhD from Ghent University in Belgium, after which he held postdoctoral fellowships at Porto University (Portugal), as well as at the University of Montpellier and University of Lorraine.

International Experts in the Faculty of Computer Science

An important step in integrating the university into the global educational, scientific and research space is the expansion of international recruiting. Since its very first year, the Faculty of Computer Science at the Higher School of Economics has had a foreign professor working on staff. In 2015, four internationally recruited experts teach and conduct research in the faculty.

Putting the Joy into Mathematics For Everybody

On Monday 28th September Bernhard Ganter, Professor of Science at the renowned university TU-Dresden in Germany, co-founder and co-director of the Museum of Mathematics, Erlebnisland-Mathematik,  will give a public lecture at HSE on Mathematics as an Adventure.

Faculty of Computer Science Opening Joint Department with the Russian Academy of Sciences

On September 22, a presentation will take place marking the opening of a new joint department with the Institute for System Programming (ISP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The joint department is being created as part of the School of Software Engineering of the Faculty of Computer Science. The joint department will add to the Computer Science Faculty’s academic and pedagogical activities by offering system programming, a core area of programming research.

How Students of the Faculty Spend Their Summer

How Students of the Faculty Spend Their Summer
In July 2015, students of the Faculty of Computer Science finished their exams, but not their studies. This summer they will be having internships in leading IT companies, conducting research at HSE research departments and taking part in summer schools. Students of the faculty will also work as lecturers and assistants at some of the events.

Student of the Faculty of Computer Science Took Part in Google I/O Conference

Student of the Faculty of Computer Science Took Part in Google I/O Conference
On May 28-29 the annual developer conference Google I/O 2015 took place in San Francisco. Since 2008 Google announces and launches new innovation products during the conference. This year Mikhail Burshtein, 4th year-student of the Bachelor’s Programme in Software Engineering took part in the event. 

Master’s Student of the Faculty of Computer Science Will Perform at the ‘Professors’ Wednesdays’ Concert

Mikhail Dubov, master’s student of the Faculty of Computer Science, Laureate of the 25th contest of amateur pianists in Paris (2014, 3rd prize and special press prize), Claviarium contest (Moscow, 2011, 2nd prize) will perform at the 'Professors’ Wednesdays' Concert.