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Research & Expertise

Two papers have been accepted to ICML 2016

Two faculty members have their papers accepted to International Conference on Machine Learning that will be held in New York, USA. 

Faculty of Computer Science to Launch New Theoretical Computer Science Lab

This year, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science is opening an international theoretical computer science laboratory, which will be the new research division of the Big Data and Information Retrieval School. One of the lab’s main objectives is to help bring the Russian school of theoretical computer science to the world stage.

Members of the Faculty Participated in Global Engineering Week at Chitkara University in India

Members of the Faculty Participated in Global Engineering Week at Chitkara University in India
In mid-October, staff members of the Faculty of Computer Science, Sergey Zykov and Ekaterina Chernyak, visited Chitkara University, one of the largest private universities in India. They conducted courses on software life cycles and automated text processing as part of the university’s annual school in engineering.

Tensorizing Deep Neural Networks

The article ‘Tensorizing Neural Networks’, prepared by the Bayesian Methods Research Group under the supervision of Associate Professor of HSE’s Computer Science Faculty Dmitry Vetrov, has been accepted by the NIPS conference – the largest global forum on cognitive research, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, rated A* by the international CORE ranking. This year it is being held December 7-12 in Montreal. Here Dmitry Vetrov talks about the research he presented and about why delivering reports at conferences is better than getting published in the academic press. 

Doctoral Student from School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Dissertation in France

Doctoral Student from School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Dissertation in France
On October 6, Alexey Buzmakov, doctoral student in the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, defended his thesis entitled ‘Formal Concept Analysis and Pattern Structures for Mining Structured Data’ at the University of Lorraine. 

World Engineering Education Forum

World Engineering Education Forum
Alexey Neznanov, Associate Professor at the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence and Olga Maksimenkova, Senior lecturer at the School of Software Engineering, took part in the World Engineering Education Forum that was held on September 20-24 in Florence, Italy. The Forum Programme Committee included the members of IFEES, COPI, EEDS/SEFI, ENAEE, EUCEET, IGIP and other communities engaged in engineering education.

How Programmers Help Unravel the Secrets of Physics

How Programmers Help Unravel the Secrets of Physics
The Summer School on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics, which was co-organised by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Russian internet company Yandex, has ended. Below, the Head of HSE's Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis, Andrey Ustyuzhanin, talks about the various ways in which physicists and programmers cooperate. He also discusses how researchers from HSE and Yandex have been participating in CERN experiments and how ordinary smartphone users can help unravel the secrets of the universe.

Two Papers by Dmitry Vetrov Accepted at NIPS Conference

The Twenty-ninth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) is a single-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. All of the key breakthroughs in machine learning over the last 15 years were first presented at this conference. The conference is assigned to the highest category (A*) in the CORE Conference Ranking.

HSE, Yandex and CERN Researchers Work Together on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

On August 30, 2015, the Summer School on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics wrapped up this year’s session. The school, which was held at the St. Petersburg Academic University, was organized by HSE in cooperation with the Yandex School of Data Analysis (SDA) and the Yandex Data Factory (YDF). This school is continuing cooperation between Yandex and CERN, which involves YDF and SDA researchers working together with experimental physicists on solving current problems in the field of physics. Many tasks require using machine learning approaches, which allow for greater accuracy and efficiency in these studies.

Conference & School ‘Information Technology and Systems 2015’ Took Place in Sochi

Conference & School ‘Information Technology and Systems 2015’ Took Place in Sochi
The 39th interdisciplinary school and conference ‘Information Technology and Systems 2015’ (ITaS 2015), organized by the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP RAS) with the participation of HSE, took place in Sochi from September 7–11, 2015.