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Research & Expertise

HSE Researcher Appointed Coordinator in Large Hadron Collider Experiment

HSE Researcher Appointed Coordinator in Large Hadron Collider Experiment
Mikhail Guschin, Research Fellow at the HSE University Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis of the Faculty of Computer Science, was appointed coordinator of the machine learning and statistics working group in the LHCb Large Hadron Collider experiment at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research). He will be the only representative of a Russian University among the coordinators for the experiment’s working groups.

Student Research Paper Competition 2020 Accepting Submissions

Student Research Paper Competition 2020 Accepting Submissions
Any student or 2020 graduate of a Russian or international university is eligible to take part in the Student Research Paper Competition. Papers can be submitted from September 1 to October 15. The competition has been held at HSE University since 2003.

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex
Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.

HSE University Announces New Project Competition for Launching International Laboratories

HSE University Announces New Project Competition for Launching International Laboratories
The number of international laboratories run in cooperation with leading international scholars is set to expand at HSE University. The competition aims to support the existing and create new research teams. Applications will be accepted from July 10 to August 31, 2020.

HSE Launches New International Laboratories

HSE Launches New International Laboratories
For ten years now, HSE has been holding an annual grant competition for researchers who wish to start new international laboratories at HSE in collaboration with leading foreign scholars and scientists. The most recent competition reached its conclusion this past November, and now some of the selected proposed labs have already begun operation. Who are the competition winners and what kind of research will they be doing?

Young HSE University Researchers Win Moscow Government Award

Young HSE University Researchers Win Moscow Government Award
This prize is annually awarded to doctoral students, researchers and professionals from Moscow-based institutions, as well as people with Candidate or Doctor of Sciences degrees. Researchers from HSE University won competition for the third year in a row and will be recognized at ceremony slated to take place on February 7 at the Kremlin Palace.

HSE among Selected Universities in Two Competitions Held by Russian Ministry of Education and Science

HSE among Selected Universities in Two Competitions Held by Russian Ministry of Education and Science
After conducting nationwide university competitions as part of the Digital Economy in the Russian Federation Programme, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science has selected a number of Russian universities to launch new international research centres and develop digital university models.

Student Research Paper Competition 2019: Students Need to Reapply

Student Research Paper Competition 2019: Students Need to Reapply
The organizers are asking everyone who had submitted their work to the competition to send it again. Applications are open until December 20th

HSE Maintains Its Position in Two THE Subject Rankings

HSE Maintains Its Position in Two THE Subject Rankings
HSE University has once again placed in two subject rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings: Computer Science (in the top 400) and Engineering and Technology (in the 601-800 range).

‘My Time at HSE Was a Turning Point’

‘My Time at HSE Was a Turning Point’
HSE master’s programme alumni and an HSE doctoral student received an international Catalyst Grant from Digital Science in support of the development of their startup, MLprior, a service for researchers and scientists. HSE News Service spoke with Vladislav Ishimtsev, one of the startup creators, about the biggest ‘thorns’ in researchers’ sides, artificial intelligence, and the possibility of a machine uprising.