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Tag "Reporting an event"

HSE Lends Its Support to the Very First Conference in ‘New Frontiers in High-Dimensional Probability and Statistics’

On February 23 and 24, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the first international mini-conference entitled ‘New frontiers in high-dimensional probability and statistics’. The event was attended by Russian and international researchers in the field of statistical methods of analysis of multidimensional data and modern stochastic algorithms. The conference was hosted by HSE, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the RAS and Skoltech. Organisers included HSE Faculty of Computer Science staff, Vladimir Spokoiny, Alexey Naumov, Denis Belomestny and Quentin Paris.

International Council Recognizes HSE as Leader in Project 5-100

International Council Recognizes HSE as Leader in Project 5-100
The Higher School of Economics was recognized as a leader among Project 5-100 universities following a recent session held by the Council on Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities among Global Research and Education Centers. The session took place in Yekaterinburg on October 27-28 and was chaired by Olga Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.

Mini-workshop Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Models in Machine Learning

Mini-workshop Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Models in Machine Learning
On September 12 and 13, a mini-workshop "Stochastic processes and probabilistic models in machine learning" was held at the faculty. Four invited foreign specialists gave lectures about the application of parametric and nonparametric probabilistic methods in machine learning, and representatives of Russian scientific groups told about particular projects where these approaches are used.

Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School in Moscow

Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School in Moscow
Bayesian Methods in Deep Learning Summer School was held in Moscow fron 26 to 30 August. During these five days 96 participants from 8 countries listened to lectures about Bayesian methods in deep learning and trained neural networks.

Collaboration with Samsung Opens New Perspectives for the Laboratory and the Faculty

Collaboration with Samsung Opens New Perspectives for the Laboratory and the Faculty
Dmitry Vetrov, head of the laboratory, held a meeting with Mr. Shi-Hwa Lee, a Vice-President of Samsung, a company the laboratory collaborates with. Interim research results, internship possibilities and collaboration perspectives were discussed.

13th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications

On July 18-22 the 13th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications was held at HSE. The conference has been organized since 2002. This year it was held in Russia for the first time. The event was organized by the International Laboratory for Intelligent Systems and Structural Analysis and the  School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence of HSE Faculty of Computer Science.

HSE and Yandex Hold Second Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

On June 20-27, the HSE Faculty of Computer Science teamed up with the Yandex School of Data Analysis to carry out the Second International Summer School in Machine Learning in High Energy Physics. This year’s Summer School took place in Lund, Sweden, and saw the participation of 60 students and researchers from Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Russia, the U.S., Sweden, Switzerland, and more. Of these students, five came from the Higher School of Economics.

World Engineering Education Forum

World Engineering Education Forum
Alexey Neznanov, Associate Professor at the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence and Olga Maksimenkova, Senior lecturer at the School of Software Engineering, took part in the World Engineering Education Forum that was held on September 20-24 in Florence, Italy. The Forum Programme Committee included the members of IFEES, COPI, EEDS/SEFI, ENAEE, EUCEET, IGIP and other communities engaged in engineering education.

How Programmers Help Unravel the Secrets of Physics

How Programmers Help Unravel the Secrets of Physics
The Summer School on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics, which was co-organised by the HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Russian internet company Yandex, has ended. Below, the Head of HSE's Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis, Andrey Ustyuzhanin, talks about the various ways in which physicists and programmers cooperate. He also discusses how researchers from HSE and Yandex have been participating in CERN experiments and how ordinary smartphone users can help unravel the secrets of the universe.

HSE, Yandex and CERN Researchers Work Together on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics

On August 30, 2015, the Summer School on Machine Learning in High Energy Physics wrapped up this year’s session. The school, which was held at the St. Petersburg Academic University, was organized by HSE in cooperation with the Yandex School of Data Analysis (SDA) and the Yandex Data Factory (YDF). This school is continuing cooperation between Yandex and CERN, which involves YDF and SDA researchers working together with experimental physicists on solving current problems in the field of physics. Many tasks require using machine learning approaches, which allow for greater accuracy and efficiency in these studies.