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Tag "research projects"

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex

HSE Students and Faculty Member Receive Ilya Segalovich Award from Yandex
Four people have received this award for their achievements in the field of Computer Science: two HSE University graduate students, one doctoral student, and Sergei Obiedkov, Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science.

HSE Showcases Innovations in Urbanism and Neural Networks at Russia’s Geek Picnic 2020

HSE Showcases Innovations in Urbanism and Neural Networks at Russia’s Geek Picnic 2020
This year, Russia’s largest science and technology festival, Geek Picnic, was held online for the first time. Despite the new format, the festival programme included all of the event’s usual key features: expert lectures, workshops, competitions, and opportunities to socialize and network with fellow tech and science enthusiasts. HSE University once again served as the festival’s content partner.

Four Student Projects with Potential to Become High Tech Start-Ups

Four Student Projects with Potential to Become High Tech Start-Ups
The Armensky Annual Inter-University Research and Technology Conference has concluded at MIEM HSE. Out of 200 submitted papers, 32 works by high school, undergraduate and graduate students participated in the event. The HSE News Service has prepared an overview of four HSE student-led projects that were awarded first-class diplomas.

Faculty of Computer Science Hosted 11 International Students for Research Internships This Spring

Faculty of Computer Science Hosted 11 International Students for Research Internships This Spring
Students from France, UK, Italy, Switzerland, Togo, and Albania worked on research projects at the labs of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science during Spring Semester 2019.

HSE Announces Student Research Competition

Students from universities in Russia and abroad have until October 31st to submit their applications for HSE’s open competition for research conducted in business informatics, computer science, mathematics, media communications, and political science.

Members of the Faculty Participated in Global Engineering Week at Chitkara University in India

Members of the Faculty Participated in Global Engineering Week at Chitkara University in India
In mid-October, staff members of the Faculty of Computer Science, Sergey Zykov and Ekaterina Chernyak, visited Chitkara University, one of the largest private universities in India. They conducted courses on software life cycles and automated text processing as part of the university’s annual school in engineering.

Doctoral Student from School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Dissertation in France

Doctoral Student from School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Dissertation in France
On October 6, Alexey Buzmakov, doctoral student in the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, defended his thesis entitled ‘Formal Concept Analysis and Pattern Structures for Mining Structured Data’ at the University of Lorraine. 

World Engineering Education Forum

World Engineering Education Forum
Alexey Neznanov, Associate Professor at the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence and Olga Maksimenkova, Senior lecturer at the School of Software Engineering, took part in the World Engineering Education Forum that was held on September 20-24 in Florence, Italy. The Forum Programme Committee included the members of IFEES, COPI, EEDS/SEFI, ENAEE, EUCEET, IGIP and other communities engaged in engineering education.

Graduate of the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Thesis at TU Dresden

On August 21 Artem Revenko defended his thesis on ‘Automatic Construction of Implicative Theories for Mathematical Domains’ at the Faculty of Computer Science at Dresden University of Technology.

International Research Conference AIST

The International Research Conference AIST on Analysis of Images, Social Networks, and Texts took place at Yekaterinburg.