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Two HSE Researchers Receive Yandex ML Prize

Two HSE Researchers Receive Yandex ML Prize
Two researchers from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science—Aibek Alanov, Junior Research Fellowat the Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods, Research Fellow at AIRI; and Pavel Braslavski, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Models and Methods of Computational Pragmatics—are among the winners of the 2023Yandex ML Prize (formerly the Ilya Segalovich Award).

‘Every Article on NeurIPS Is Considered a Significant Result’

‘Every Article on NeurIPS Is Considered a Significant Result’
Staff members of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science will present 12 of their works at the 37th Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), one of the most significant events in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This year it will be held on December 10–16 in New Orleans (USA).

HSE Holds Table Tennis Championship among International Students

HSE Holds Table Tennis Championship among International Students
Mixed-sex teams representing eight university faculties took part in the HSE Winter Tennis Cup, an interfaculty table tennis championship for international students. The team of the Faculty of Mathematics won the competition. The tournament was organised with the support of the Department of Internationalisation and the Department of Physical Training.

HSE University Holds HSE Sber ML Hack

HSE University Holds HSE Sber ML Hack
On November 17-19, The HSE Faculty of Computer Science, SBER and cloud technology provider Cloud.ru organised HSE Sber ML Hack, a hackathon based around machine learning. More than 350 undergraduate and graduate students from 54 leading Russian universities took part in the competition.

'It Is Crucial for HSE University to Strengthen the Positions of Russian Education and Science'

'It Is Crucial for HSE University to Strengthen the Positions of Russian Education and Science'
Delegations from Nanjing University and Renmin (People's) University of China have recently made their first visits to HSE University to explore potential areas of cooperation. The Chinese universities have expressed interest in initiating collaborative research projects, educational and academic mobility programmes.

FCS Team Takes First Place at Rosneft Universities’ Hackathon

FCS Team Takes First Place at Rosneft Universities’ Hackathon
A team from HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science took first place in a Rosneft hackathon held in October among the country’s universities. The hackathon was organised by the research institute RN-BashNIPIneft LLC. The competition participants had the chance to try their hand at solving real production problems.

HSE University to Host ‘Fall into ML 2023’ Machine Learning Conference

HSE University to Host ‘Fall into ML 2023’ Machine Learning Conference
The event is dedicated to promising areas in the development of fundamental AI

‘This Is a New Chapter in My Career and I Want to Write It in a Cool Manner’

‘This Is a New Chapter in My Career and I Want to Write It in a Cool Manner’
In the 2023/24 academic year, the Bachelor’s programme in Software Engineering at HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science has a new academic supervisor. Nikolay Pavlochev has experience in successfully implementing initiatives for the development of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). At Acronis, a company working in the field of backup and data recovery protection systems, he has worked with leading technical universities in Singapore, Switzerland, Germany, Bulgaria, and the USA. In our interview, he spoke about how he came to the Faculty of Computer Science and what his programme development strategy is.

HSE Online Campus Holds Inaugural Ceremony for First-Year Students

HSE Online Campus Holds Inaugural Ceremony for First-Year Students
At HSE Online Day, online bachelor’s and master’s students learned more about the university environment and online social life, attended lectures on careers and skills from HSE and industry experts, and participated in a quiz by the Career Centre. The event took place on October 17.

Online Campus of HSE University Sets New Admissions Record

Online Campus of HSE University Sets New Admissions Record
HSE University has announced the results of its 2023/24 online admissions campaign. The university, which leads in CIS countries in terms of the number of online programmes (three bachelor’s and 18 master’s), has once again attracted the most students this year with a total of 1,750 admissions.