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Faculty of Computer Science and MIEM Entrepreneurs Present Student Projects in Kazakhstan

Meeting with representatives of Astana Innovations
In June, a delegation from the FCS and HSE MIEM visited Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan, to present student start-ups to the IT community. The trip was organised as part of a programme to develop entrepreneurship among undergraduate and doctoral students of the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science.

Faculty of Computer Science Lab Develops Monitoring System for LHC Experiment

Faculty of Computer Science Lab Develops Monitoring System for LHC Experiment
Researchers from the Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA) at the HSEFaculty of Computer Science have created a monitoring system that is used in the Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment (LHCb). The system helps track the quality of the collected data and allows operators to quickly find errors.

Scientists Propose New Way to Fight Cancer

Scientists Propose New Way to Fight Cancer
A team of researchers that includes experts from the International Laboratory of Bioinformatics of the Faculty of Computer Science, HSE University has presented a new way to fight melanoma. The scientists discovered that a form of DNA molecule entering cancer cells is able to induce an immune response similar to the body's response to a virus. As a result, the cells that support tumour growth are killed and the patient begins to respond to anti-cancer therapy again. The results of the study have been published in the Nature.

HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Skoltech Hold Math of Machine Learning Olympiad 2022

HSE Faculty of Computer Science and Skoltech Hold Math of Machine Learning Olympiad 2022
HSE's Faculty of Computer Science and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology have held the Mathematics of Machine Learning Olympiad for the fifth time. The participants competed for prizes and the opportunity to matriculate at two universities without exams by enrolling in the HSE and Skoltech joint master's programme in Math of Machine Learning.

Bachelor's Programme in Data Science and Business Analytics Accredited by AI Alliance Russia

Bachelor's Programme in Data Science and Business Analytics Accredited by AI Alliance Russia
The ‘Data Science and Business Analytics’ bachelor’s programme at HSE Faculty of Computer Science has received professional and public accreditation by the AI Alliance Russia. This is the third programme of the faculty that has received accreditation from the AI Alliance Russia, following the bachelor's programme in  ‘Applied Mathematics and Information Science’ and the master’s programme in ‘Financial Technologies and Data Analysis’.  

HSE University Staff Members Elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Academy of Sciences
The results of the vote were announced at the General Assembly of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), which took place from June 1-3. The newly elected Members and Corresponding Members of the RAS include eight scholars from HSE University.

From Drones to Diagnosing Dyslexia in Children: The Activities of the HSE AI Centre

From Drones to Diagnosing Dyslexia in Children: The Activities of the HSE AI Centre
The HSE Centre for Artificial Intelligence, together with its partners in industry, is working on 25 applied projects in the fields of telecommunications, finance, education, medicine, etc. The results of the work by researchers and developers were recently presented at a meeting of a Russian government working group. That meeting summed up the initial results of the federal Artificial Intelligence project, part of the national Digital Economy programme.

Attila Kertesz-Farkas successfully defended Doctoral Thesis

Attila Kertesz-Farkas successfully defended Doctoral Thesis
On May 19th, 2022, Attila Kertesz-Farkas defended the doctoral thesis.

‘I Like to Think that the Solutions We Find Can Help People in the Future’

Innopolis University
Innopolis University has announced the results of Global Al Challenge, an international AI industry online hackathon in which teams of developers compete to create new materials using artificial intelligence. The DrugANNs team, which included students from the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science, took third place.

HSE University Computer Science Teams Place First and Second in NERC ICPC 2022

Team Undertrained+Overpressured
Two teams from the HSE University Faculty of Computer Science (FCS) in Moscow have taken first and second place in the semi-finals of the 2022 International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). The last time a single university took both first and second place was in 1997. Almost 250 teams took part in the event, five of which were from HSE University in Moscow. A team from HSE University in St Petersburg took fourth place. The winning team was awarded the winner’s trophy of the ICPC semi-finals, while the HSE University teams that placed second and fourth won gold medals.