The Master’s programme in System and Software Engineering aims to provide students an opportunity not only to acquire the knowledge and experience they need in their chosen profession, but also to help them generate a systemic view on bringing resolutions to the difficult professional challenges they are certain to face in the future. Academic Supervisor Dmitry Alexandrov talks about programme features and international students share their experience of living and studying in Moscow.
HSE took first place among Russian universities in subject rankings for Sociology and Economics & Econometrics (101-150 globally). In Business & Management Studies and Accouting & Finance, HSE ranked first and is currently the only Russian university in the ranking, placing in the 151-200 group.
Second year Software Engineering students Anton Kondrashov and Alexander Lazarenko have taken first place in the Robot Battle hackathon organized by Yandex. Participants had to write a bot for any popular messaging service, that could quickly and easily solve users’ payment problems.
A career in science and technology might sound appealing to the average Russian, but a recent survey showed that most Russians believe men are better suited for this line of work than women. The young women interviewed for this story, a mathematician and a programmer, are of a different opinion.
HSE has teamed up with the University of California at San Diego (ranked 14th on the ARWU ranking, 41st on THE, and 59th on QS) to launch the new Data Structures and Algorithms specialization on Coursera. The specialization is taught completely in English and consists of five interrelated courses. Registration is open until March 7.
Third year software engineering student Vadim Drobinin took part in the Hacktrainhackathon last weekend in Britain (November 21-22). The project, developed by the international team Vadim is part of, will be presented to the British Minister of Transport and compete for 25,000 pounds worth of investment.
Bruno Bauwens, an expert in Kolmogorov complexity, is a new recruit at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science. He started in September 2015. Bruno received his PhD from Ghent University in Belgium, after which he held postdoctoral fellowships at Porto University (Portugal), as well as at the University of Montpellier and University of Lorraine. Associate Professor Bruno Bauwens spoke to HSE English News about his research and about settling in to life and work in the international academic community in Moscow.