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HSE University Named Federal Leader in IT Education by RUSSOFT

HSE University Named Federal Leader in IT Education by RUSSOFT
On December 5, the award ceremony of the RUSSOFT ranking of top universities took place. The ranking assesses the quality and scale of specialist training in the field of software development among Russian educational institutions. HSE University took fourth place in the 2024 rankings and was named a ‘federal leader.’

Winners of the Yandex and HSE Olympiad Develop an AI Model to Assess Vehicle Condition

Winners of the Yandex and HSE Olympiad Develop an AI Model to Assess Vehicle Condition
Yandex Education and the HSE Faculty of Computer Science have concluded the first joint Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis Olympiad (AIDAO). The winning team, AI Capybara from ITMO University, developed an AI model that detects defects in vehicle exteriors and interiors. The challenge for the competition was devised by the Yandex Taxi machine learning team, who will evaluate the feasibility of implementing the AI model in practice.

Virtual Mozart, Venture Capital Bot, and Educational Video Generation: How AI is Used at HSE University

Virtual Mozart, Venture Capital Bot, and Educational Video Generation: How AI is Used at HSE University
In mid-November, HSE University hosted a meetup where faculty, researchers, and administrators presented their projects and shared experiences with using AI technologies in education and research. The meeting was part of the continuing professional development programme 'Artificial Intelligence in Education and Research.'

Internships, Offers, Industry Partners: HSE Career Marathon Overview

Internships, Offers, Industry Partners: HSE Career Marathon Overview
On November 20, 2024, HSE University hosted the annual autumn Career Marathon, traditionally organised by its Career Development Centre. Guests could enjoy various booths with activities from partner companies, video interviews with industry experts, a cinema zone with popcorn, as well as games, quests, puzzles, quizzes, and gifts.

‘You Should Study Mathematics, Combinatorics, and Catalan Numbers instead of Playing Computer Games’

Alexander Babin (centre), Pavel Voronin (right)
In early November, the final of the MTS True Tech Champ—which brought together more than 12,500 schoolchildren, students, and young programmers—took place. Alexander Babin, student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, was named the winner of the ‘Algorithmic Programming’ track.