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Graduate of the School of Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Defends Thesis at TU Dresden

On August 21 Artem Revenko defended his thesis on ‘Automatic Construction of Implicative Theories for Mathematical Domains’ at the Faculty of Computer Science at Dresden University of Technology.

10th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia

10th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia
On July 13th-17th 2015, the 10th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia took place. The largest conference on theoretical informatics in Russia was organized by Irkutsk State University, the Higher School of Economics and Yandex. Vladimir Podolskii, Associate Professor at the Big Data and Information Retrieval School took part in the event as guest speaker. Maxim Babenko, Head of the Joint Department with Yandex also delivered a report during the event.

Building a Simple App for Apple Watch

Building a Simple App for Apple Watch
Gregory Tareyev, a Software Engineering student, a co-founder and iOS developer of Chill shares his experience with the international editorial AppCoda on Apple Watch development and shows how to build a simple weather app.

Faculty Students at the International Mathematics Competition

Vadim Kalashnikov, second year Engineering student. First prize: 15th out of 64
The Prestigious International Mathematics Competition for University Students took place in Bulgaria this year between 27 July and 2nd August. Competitors were given 10 problems to solve for a maximum of 10 points. HSE’s Faculty of Computer Science was represented by Vadim Kalashnikov and Gleb Posobin who are about to embark on the second year of their degree course. According to overall international ratings for students in any subject they were awarded first and third prizes respectively.

Summer School on Mobile Application Development

On July 1-11 2015, a summer school on the development of mobile applications was held at HSE. Fourteen projects by school participants, created during the four days of ‘Hackaton’ were presented to an expert jury.

Students of HSE Faculty of Computer Science Talk about their Studies

While some graduates are preparing for MA enrollment exams, others have already received confirmation from international universities. Graduates from the Faculty of Computer Science tell us about their decision to continue their studies abroad, the enrollment procedure, computer science courses available in international universities, and the role of fundamental math in studying economics.

How Students of the Faculty Spend Their Summer

How Students of the Faculty Spend Their Summer
In July 2015, students of the Faculty of Computer Science finished their exams, but not their studies. This summer they will be having internships in leading IT companies, conducting research at HSE research departments and taking part in summer schools. Students of the faculty will also work as lecturers and assistants at some of the events.

Serious Projects are Born when their Creators are Still at University

Serious Projects are Born when their Creators are Still at University
HSE graduate Sergei Pronin was still studying for his degree in Software Engineering when he and others designed App in the Air, promoted by Apple as a successful mobile project. Sergei now works as the leading developer at Empatika and teaches at HSE. He talked to HSE News about trends in the app market, the unique Russian language course on developing iOS apps and about the principles of teaching in the IT sphere.

Faculty Instructor Starting Internship at DeepMind

Faculty Instructor Sergey Bartunov is beginning a three-month internship at DeepMind, a research division of Google. During his time with the company, Bartunov will develop new neural network architectures and methods.

HSE Students Develop Instant Messenger for Portable Devices

Students of the Higher School of Economics have developed an app called Chill that allows users to talk to their friends on their portable devices (the Apple Watch and Android Wear) without using text or voice. The application went on the market June 9th and was instantly added to Product Hunt, the world’s largest platform for startups.