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Masterclasses Introduce High School Students to Particle Physics

Masterclasses Introduce High School Students to Particle Physics
National Research University Higher School of Economics hosted a masterclass in particle physics on March 27 and brought high school students to participate. These students took a day off from school to go to the University and dive into the actual data. Scientists of the HSE Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA) Denis Derkach and Fedor Ratnikov introduced them to the tiniest building blocks of the universe and to the accelerators and detectors which probe these mysterious particles.

Coursera Offers New Courses by HSE Lecturers

Coursera Offers New Courses by HSE Lecturers
From late March and early April, HSE will offer four new coursers on Coursera  on intercultural communication, machine learning, computer vision, and stochastic processes.

HSE Students Take Part in START Hack Hackathon in Switzerland

HSE Students Take Part in START Hack Hackathon in Switzerland
Evgenia Okopnaya, a first year student in Applied Mathematics and Information Science at HSE, together with her peers, Aliya Khasanova and Diana Zagidullina, recently participated in the START Hack Hackathon at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. START Hack is a programing competition which attracts over 350 students, young entrepreneurs and programmers annually. Participants try to solve tasks set by big companies. Evgenia Okopnaya shared her impressions of the event.

HSE Lends Its Support to the Very First Conference in ‘New Frontiers in High-Dimensional Probability and Statistics’

On February 23 and 24, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the first international mini-conference entitled ‘New frontiers in high-dimensional probability and statistics’. The event was attended by Russian and international researchers in the field of statistical methods of analysis of multidimensional data and modern stochastic algorithms. The conference was hosted by HSE, the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the RAS and Skoltech. Organisers included HSE Faculty of Computer Science staff, Vladimir Spokoiny, Alexey Naumov, Denis Belomestny and Quentin Paris.

HSE Strengthens its Position in QS World University Rankings by Subject

HSE Strengthens its Position in QS World University Rankings by Subject
HSE has topped the list of universities in the Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 once again, having been ranked in 13 subjects and 3 subject areas in the QS World University Rankings. The university has entered the top 100 in ‘Sociology’ and ‘Political and International Studies’ categories, as well as the top 100 in ‘Social Sciences and Management’. 

HSE Strengthens Partnerships with Italian Universities

HSE Strengthens Partnerships with Italian Universities
On 19-23 February 2018 the HSE delegation headed by HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov made a grand tour in Italy visiting 7 partner universities in the North of Italy and meeting around 100 colleagues. HSE delegation members were honored to take part in theCeremony dedicated to 150th Anniversary of Ca' Foscari University of Venice [1] and official opening of the Academic Year 2017/2018 that was attended by Ca Foscari faculty staff and students, leaders of other local institutions and by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella. Within the opening the HSE Rector took part in the academic procession together with Ca Foscari Rector Professor Michele Bugliesi and other 20 participants wearing their universities mantles including leaders of HSE partner universities such as Provost of University College London Professor Arthur, President of Korea University Professor Yeom, Rector of University of Naples Federico II Professir Manfredi, Rector of University of Bergamo Professor Pellegrini Morzenti and others.
[1] HSE cooperates with Ca Foscari University in Venice since 2012. As for now 16 students from Ca Foscari are on the exchange at HSE, and 18 HSE students study in Venice.

IDAO Online Round Results. Next Up, the Final

IDAO Online Round Results. Next Up, the Final
On February 20, the first online stage of the International Data Analysis Olympiad (IDAO) was completed. IDAO was organised by the Faculty of Computer Science of the Higher School of Economics in partnership with Harbour.Space University (Barcelona), Yandex and with the Gold sponsor, Sberbank.

Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science Researchers Get Grant from RFBR and Royal Society

Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science Researchers Get Grant from RFBR and Royal Society
Researchers from the HSE Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Science have won a competition organized by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge.

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE

New Dissertation Councils Introduced at HSE
From February 1, 2018, new rules will apply to dissertation defense for Candidate of Sciences (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences (DS) degrees. Vadim Radaev, First Vice Rector at HSE, helped us understand what has changed, as well as how it is necessary to prepare for the defense process.

International Students Invited to Apply to HSE’s Doctoral Schools

Admissions to tuition-free doctoral studies at HSE open on February 01, 2018. International students can choose from 15 PhD programmes in fields ranging from Mathematics to Art and Design. The programmes are offered at HSE campuses in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Nizhny Novgorod. It is not necessary to speak Russian in order to pursue a PhD at HSE – the thesis can be written in English. Several international students are already pursuing doctoral degrees at HSE and one of them, Keunwon Choi from South Korea, has shared his impressions with us.