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HSE University’s New Gains in Global Rankings: THE WUR Completes the 2019 Global Rankings Spree

HSE University’s New Gains in Global Rankings: THE WUR Completes the 2019 Global Rankings Spree
THE WUR, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, has compiled its 2019 global rankings. HSE University performed positively, moving up to the 251-300 cohort, and taking third place among Russian universities following MSU and MIPT.

‘What Is Most Dangerous Is Losing the Ability to Critically Evaluate Ourselves. And Our Sense of Humour’

‘What Is Most Dangerous Is Losing the Ability to Critically Evaluate Ourselves. And Our Sense of Humour’
HSE University Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov congratulates students, teachers, and staff on the beginning of the university's 27th academic year.

New HSE Complex on Pokrovsky Boulevard Welcomes Students

New HSE Complex on Pokrovsky Boulevard Welcomes Students
HSE University commenced the new academic year with a housewarming party marking the long-awaited opening of its new campus complex on Pokrovsky Boulevard. Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin, and vice rectors of the university took part in the event to welcome students, faculty, and staff.

Yaroslav Kuzminov and Evgeny Yasin Welcome First Year Students

Yaroslav Kuzminov and Evgeny Yasin Welcome First Year Students
HSE University Rector and Academic Supervisor welcome first year students and talk about the key features of HSE University.

The third Summer School on Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods was held in Moscow

The third Summer School on Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods was held in Moscow
В Москве вновь прошла Летняя школа по байесовским методам в глубинном обучении, собравшая участников из 27 стран.

HSE’s New Library at Pokrovka: 500 Seats, 24-Hour Access

HSE’s New Library at Pokrovka: 500 Seats, 24-Hour Access
On September 2, HSE’s newest and largest library will open its doors. Read on to learn about the concept behind its design, its collections, and its opening hours.

Winners of International Olympiad in Informatics for High Schoolers Choose to Study at HSE

Winners of International Olympiad in Informatics for High Schoolers Choose to Study at HSE
Two members of the Russian team that took the gold at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2019 were excused from their entrance exams and gained entrance to HSE University. Vladimir Romanov will be enrolling in the Faculty of Computer Science at HSE’s Moscow campus, and Alexander Morozov will be matriculating at the St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science at HSE’s St. Petersburg campus.

13 Buildings, 3 Atriums, 78,000 Square Meters: HSE’s New Complex at Pokrovka Awaits

13 Buildings, 3 Atriums, 78,000 Square Meters: HSE’s New Complex at Pokrovka Awaits
On July 25, upon the approval of the Moscow City Construction Supervision and the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow, HSE University’s new Pokrovka complex opened its doors. The complex, located at 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard, is HSE’s largest and most modern Moscow campus. Classes will begin there in September.

First Cohort Graduates from Master’s Programme in Statistical Learning Theory

First Cohort Graduates from Master’s Programme in Statistical Learning Theory
The Master's Programme ‘Statistical Learning Theory’ was launched in 2017, and is run jointly with the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology(Skoltech).