It is a fairly common story for families – a runaway teenager leaves a note saying ‘I’m not coming back, and don’t try looking for me’ and turns off their cell phone. In a recent case, however, a sister was able to find her brother by using the knowledge she acquired as a student in HSE’s Applied Mathematics and Information Science programme. Her story shows what social networks can say about its users to someone who knows how to listen.
In 2017, HSE will enroll students in 216 undergraduate and master’s programmes, including over 20 English-taught programmes. The application period for international students to HSE graduate and undergraduate programmes opened on November 1. This year, there are three application rounds. The final deadline is July 1, 2017.
A team from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science was one of the top-ranking teams in the semi-finals of a collegiate programming tournament held in St. Petersburg this year. HSE’s team will now compete in the finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, which is set to take place in the United States next May.
From December 1 to 20, registration will be held for HSE’s Open Optional Courses, slated to start in the second half of the 2016/2017 academic year. Per tradition, these courses will be free of charge and open not only to HSE students, but also anybody interested in expanding their knowledge.
As of today, HSE offers 46 courses on Coursera, an international online education platform, and one third of them are English-taught. This means that HSE is one of the Top 10 universities by the number of online courses offered on that platform.
The Faculty of Computer Science of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia invites applications for full-time, tenure-track positions of Assistant Professor.
On October 28, the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) held a meeting to announce the results of elections of new members: 176 scholars were selected as academicians, and 323 scholars as corresponding members. HSE researchers are among the new RAS members.
Over the course of three months, 11 students from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science interned for Google at the company’s offices in the U.S., Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, and Poland. The HSE News Service spoke with several of these students and learned how they got the internships, how Google treats its interns, and whether or not a refrigerator full of ice cream interferes with the work process.
Over the course of three months, 11 students from the HSE Faculty of Computer Science interned for Google at the company’s offices in the U.S., Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, and Poland. The HSE News Service spoke with several of these students and learned how they got the internships, how Google treats its interns, and whether or not a refrigerator full of ice cream interferes with the work process.