Lecture "Mathematics as an adventure". Speaker - Prof. Bernhard Ganter
Prof. Bernhard Ganter
TU-Dresden (Germany), co-founder and co-director of Museum of Mathematics, called Erlebnisland Mathematik.
We are glad to invite you to the public lecture of Prof. Bernhard Ganter, TU-Dresden (Germany), co-founder and co-director of Museum of Mathematics, called Erlebnisland Mathematik.
The speaker is a co-founder and a co-director of a mathematics exhibition which so far had more than half a million visitors: the “Mathematics Adventure Land" in Dresden, Germany. The speaker also is a full professor of mathematics, an enthusiastic researcher and teacher.
For more than four years, he has been the Dean of Science of Dresden's renowned university TU Dresden. In his lecture, he will explain how a mathematics museum can successfully attract a large number of visitors, most of whom are not much interested in mathematics.
Germany, as many other countries, devotes a lot of effort to "popularizing" mathematics, and supports a large number of related activities. Mathematics remains nevertheless rather unpopular, is considered as "nerdy" and as useless for the majority. This reputation cannot be changed easily, and it seems that most professional mathematicians are both unable and unwilling to improve it.
The Dresden exhibition presents mathematics as interesting, entertaining, challenging and aesthetic, in short: "Mathematics as an adventure". The lecture will discuss reasons and some more detailed aspects of this approach.
The registration form is here.Link for iPhone/iPad
For further information please contact Sergei O. Kuznetsov and Larisa I. Antropova to order the pass to HSE and other tech questions.
Venue: Myasnitskaya, 20, auditorium 101
Date: September, 28, Monday, 18-10