IT-лекторий Facebook «Crushing your coding interviews»
Мероприятие завершено
Do you know what it takes to crush your coding interview? Facebook is hosting a workshop to go through all the tips and tricks to best prepare you for your next coding interview, including working through real interview questions live. Engineers will be on hand to answer all your questions, and of course pizza and prizes per usual. The presentation will get you up to speed about interviewing tips and the best way to show your strengths on a whiteboard.
The event will be held in English.
Time: November, 12, 18:00
Place: 3 Kochnovsky Proezd (room 205)
Meet the speakers
Arsenii Chelnokov
Software Engineer
Arsenii Is A Software Engineer At Facebook's London Office. He Works In Workplace Machine Learning Team Developing And Improving Models Used For Creation Meaningful Connections Amongst People And Groups To Provide An Engaging Experience For Everyone Using Workplace. Arsenii Received His Master's Degree In Computer Science From Higher School Of Economics In Moscow.
Ivan Arbuzov
Software Engineer
Ivan Is A Software Engineer At Facebook's London Office. He Had Been Working In Search Team Developing Functional Testing Framework For Internal Systems And Tools Which Allows Other Engineers To Continuously Keep Track Of Health Of Their Systems And Detect Anomalies Early. Recently Ivan Joined Community Integrity Team To Work On Identity Authentication. Ivan Received His Master's Degree In Computer Science From ITMO University In Saint-Petersburg.
Ilona Papava
Software Engineer
Ilona Papava Is A Software Engineer At Facebook's London Office. She Works At Workplace Growth Team With A Mission To Bring The World To Work Together In Workplace. During University Years Ilona Had Two Internships At Facebook In Menlo Park, California. Ilona Is An Alumni Of Higher School Of Economics In Moscow.
12 ноября, 2018 г. 18:00
Кочновский проезд, д. 3
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