Math Of Machine Learning 2020
Sirius University and HSE University (HDI Lab) invite you to joint winter school aimed at undergraduate/graduate students and young postdoctoral fellows from pure and applied mathematics. Participants will learn about modern trends in machine learning with strong emphasis on mathematics behind them. This intense four-day workshop will consist of 3 interdisciplinary mini-courses by world-class scientists, poster session by the participants and master-classes by industrial partners. Key topics of this school:
- Reinforcement learning
- Deep learning
- Computation optimal transport
- Statistical inference
Computational optimal transport
Alan Turing Institute
Langevin dynamics and neural networks
Reinforcement learning
Registration and Conference program
Registration of any person willing to participate is mandatory. We provide accomodation for invited speakers and junior researchers (BS, MS, PhD and young postdocs) selected by the organisation committee. Since the number of places we provide is limited, participants have to submit a short motivation letter and CV (in the registration form). We also provide travel grants for young people from Russia. The organisation committee will carefully review all the applications and will proceed with the strongest candidates based on their skills and motivation.
Registration deadline: October 31, 2019
Program committee
Eric MOULINES (Ecole Polytechnique; HSE University)
Vladimir SPOKOINY (WIAS, Berlin; HSE University)
Alexey NAUMOV (HSE University)
Organising committee
Alexey NAUMOV (HSE University)
Evgenia KULIKOVA (Yandex)