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Трудности объектно-ориентированного программирования

Teacher: Yegor Bugayenko

Module: 3

Credits: 2

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most popular concept of writing software these days. Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP -- they all claim to be object-oriented languages and the majority of code in the world currently is written in these languages. However, what exactly is OOP and how to write code in object-oriented fashion, is an open question. Moreover, it's not only a question, but a challenge: most object-oriented programs suffer from lack of readability, poor maintainability, high complexity, tight coupling of modules, and low cohesion of objects. We will discuss how OOP can be done better and right in the mentioned languages, and how we can create better languages so that OOP will truly help us code better instead of being a reason for failure.

At the end of the course you will have to refactor an existing Java software module so that itlooks “more” object-oriented, according to the principles discussed at the lectures.

Requirements: good command of at least one object-based language

For 3-4 year bachelor's students and higher.

Monday 11:10 am from January, 24 on campus