Читательская группа по Теории языков программирования
Преподаватели: Соколов Павел Павлович
Модуль: 1-2
Кредиты: 2
Every Friday evening we gather to read and discuss the most interesting developments in Type theory, Programming language design, Functional programming, Category theory and Algebra. An expertise in these topics is not required, but general understanding of an academic landscape is strongly encouraged.
Other mathematical topics are generally accepted, too; next topic to discuss is chosen every week from the pool of participant-submitted papers via equal multi-choice election.
Grading: 0.5 (active participation) + 0.5 (seminar work) . Things counting as active participation: attendance, participation in the discussions. Things counting as seminar work (either is enough for excellent mark):
- Essay on one of the topics covered during the semester;
- Moderating the discussion on one of the topics (including an explanation of the paper);
- Formal verification of any one paper in any proof assistant.
Пререквизиты: Интерес к функциональному программированию и конструктивной математике, Academic English for reading papers
Для кого: Все бакалаврские программы ФКН, 3-4 курс