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Решение нестандартных задач

Преподаватель: Балакирев Владислав Валерьевич

Модуль: 1-2

Кредиты: 2


Mathematics is a very special kind of language that is significantly different from everyday language. In everyday language, ambiguity and mutually exclusive meanings are common. In contrast, in mathematics, everything must be precisely defined to eliminate any ambiguity.


School programs often overlook the importance of the mathematical language and focus more on performing simple tasks using provided algorithms, sometimes without even explaining how these algorithms work. However, universities expect students to be proficient in the language of mathematics, creating a disconnect between the mathematics taught in school and at the university level.


This course aims to bridge the gap by  solving math-olympiad style problems in elementary number theory, graph theory, combinatorics, and more. Problems will be selected to require students to develop their own algorithms rather than relying on given formulas. Solving a sufficient number of problems will inevitably change students' perception of mathematics and unlock the ability to understand the proofs presented in calculus or linear algebra lectures, which many consider impossible.


We will also occasionally use Python for experiments, as mathematics can be seen as an experimental science, according to Arnold. There will be no theoretical content; only problems will be covered.

На каком языке читается: Английский язык

Формула оценки:  

0,5*Classroom activity + 0,5*Home assignments

Для кого: БАК, приоритетно ПАД, но для всех желающих